Incident Response

Security incidents in corporate networks or online services are commonplace in 2024. The response to a cyber attack in the company is becoming increasingly important in order to prevent general damage or consequential damage. Incident response refers to the processes and technologies of a company for detecting and responding to acute threats, security breaches and attacks in the digital space.

The Cyber ​​Security Operation Center team at Evolution Security GmbH has been working successfully for over 10 years in the DACH region in the area of ​​incident response for medium-sized companies and corporations. These include service providers, Internet service providers, data centers, service providers, manufacturers, clinics, hospitals, city administrations, municipalities and KRITIS network operators.

In the event of serious incidents, trust, qualified instructions, immediate measures and a quick but considered response are required. The ESEC CSOC team offers a wide range of services for handling IT security incidents, from attack detection, defense, coordination of working groups or crisis teams to incident documentation.

The ESEC CSOC team supports affected companies, municipalities, cities and authorities in responding to a critical IT security incident.

  • Wo und in welchem Umfang ist der Vorfall passiert?
  • Wann ist der Vorfall passiert?
  • Welche Maßnahmen sind zu ergreifen?
  • Wie haben Mitarbeiter sich zu verhalten?
  • Welche Instanzen müssen hinzugezogen bzw. informiert werden?

Our team of specialists offers a variety of complementary services to companies and organizations in crisis situations.

The objective of incident response measures is to avert general damage, prevent consequential damage, comply with reporting processes, eliminate disruptions to operational processes and coordinate IT comprehensively and sensibly.

If you contact us with a security incident, our team of security specialists will carry out an initial assessment of the security situation. In addition, an initial cooperative approach will be discussed with the affected companies or organizations.

At the same time, the immediate technical measures are initiated with the affected company. Initial measures are then discussed in IT crisis management, teams are coordinated and technical or organizational tasks are initiated. These activities are supplemented by guidelines, directives and instructions that help to deal with the security incident.

We offer you, as a medium-sized company or above, our trained and experienced staff for incident response in the event of cyber attacks. We support your company with immediate measures and regular measures relating to general IT security in IT technology and crisis management. At the same time, our employees work with service providers, authorities and the relevant cybercrime reporting centers (national and international) on request. We help with the reconstruction and restoration of infrastructures, but also with security measures, hardening, IT security (information security), protective measures and prevention.

Our service covers the following needs:

  1. Have you experienced a cyber attack in your company and need timely incident response support?
  2. Are you looking for a qualified IT security service provider to protect against advanced persistent threats (APT response service provider) or cybercriminal actors before a security incident?

Please contact us, we will be available for you promptly.



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